March 21, 2024

[Post-dated addition: This blog post was written before thousands of brave and conscientious students of the United States (including students from Columbia, where I did my MFA (I have written about that experience in my book The Killing of an Author), community leaders and activists around the world, and many conscientious Jews including the astonishingly…

December 6, 2020

In 2010, after a bad experiences with a “regular” publisher, I was seduced by the promise of total freedom and instant publication on Amazon (and a handful of its competitors), possibly allowing me to write and publish much, much more. Much has changed since those early days. While Jeff Bezos’s net worth has shot up…

July 23, 2020

March 30, 2020: One score and zero years ago, my father’s World War 2 prisoner-of-war memoir, Eaten by the Japanese,** had its official national launch at the India International Centre, New Delhi (along with the launch of the U.S. edition, which was the same paperback product, except for having U.S. ISBNs on the copyright page…

September 27, 2019

No matter what you and I think of the rest of Boris Johnson, whose personality embraces bits of both the diabolic Joker (Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger playing him) and “akratic” (his description, in his only novel, of a  character much like him), his United Nations General Assembly speech made history (of sorts), and the…

September 22, 2019

This is a thought that has occurred to me, on and off, right from the time Salman Rushdie issued an apology for The Satanic Verses. And it returns, as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologizes for his various instances of blackface–though books are a very different kettle of fish from crude actions such as blackfacing….