January 7, 2025

As the years whiz by, my energy level declines, and I come across many unpublished or unfinished books in my computer–books I had been distracted from completion or publishing by the unexpected events of life, one that saw me going from New York to Bali, then Java, then India repeatedly to see my sick mother,…

December 29, 2022

My name is … my name is … not Slim Shady, but Richard Crasta or Benny Profane or Vijay Prabhu. Paperbacks Currently Available From Amazon and from the admirable Barnes & Noble, and more on the way. (By the way, don’t give up when Amazon tries to distract you by giving you alternative choices or…

December 17, 2020

I joined the State Bank of India or SBI as a probationary officer in October 1975, my disservice beginning in Hyderabad for ten days of lavish food and accommodation, brain nuggets, wisdom, and sass from such bigwigs as the Chairman, R.K. Talwar, and a Deputy Managing Director in whose perfectly polished shoes you could see…

December 5, 2020

So how did that terrified and frail boy in the top right corner get to publishing this ballsy, boisterous, establishment-defying novel (see image on the bottom) 30 years later? In a way, I never knew childhood at all, except for a few memories when I was 5, and a few summer holidays, and some games…