July 8, 2017

Imagine living in a world with just one mirror, a mirror that is permanently fogged up except for one square centimeter of clear space in which you must see yourself. That’s what you are risking when you take that first benzodiazepine pill, and particularly if you use it nonstop for three weeks or more. Russell’s…

February 16, 2017

The History of Conquest from Prehistoric Times to the 1920s: In the jolly old days, conquering other countries was a venerable sport, guaranteed to work wonders for everything from your image to your complexion. It was easy as picking your nose, or blowing up a few hundred natives with the latest model cannon, whichever you…

February 15, 2017

Secret Offer for Non-Superpowers: Limited Expansion Opportunities Now Opening! NOT A SUPERPOWER YET? NOT TO WORRY! NOW YOU, TOO, CAN JOIN CONQUEST, INC., A TIME-SHARING ENTERPRISE (The Coalition of Willing Sidekicks) Non-superpowers of the World! Have you given up your dreams of conquest, roasting children, electrocution of genitals, and sexual enslavement of inferior races, because…